510 - 530 S Hewitt St
Los Angeles CA 90013
Pet Friendly: Yes
Mills Act: No
Live Work: Yes
Constructed: 1880
Modernized: Kor Group - 2007
In 1880, Los Angeles had dirt sidewalks, barely 11,000 residents and only one furniture store. While no one predicted what the future held for the sleepy City of Angels, there was one man who had an undying faith in its potential: Barker Brothers founder O.T. Barker.
Today, the resurrection of O.T. Barker's original manufacturing plant and warehouse complex has rekindled his enterprising spirit. Seven sturdy, yet graceful industrial loft buildings, each of a different era and construction style boast soaring ceilings, immense windows and pure, unadulterated space in which to roam free.
Seven interconnected buildings, each from a different era, now join to form a new definition of home. Merging classic industrial architecture with contemporary live/work design and a raw urban aesthetic, the Barker Block presents open, light infused spaces in which to cast your ideal vision of life lived well. Here, unlimited potential is a raison d'etre. All that's left to do is simply imagine where you'll take it.
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